Coaching for Doctors

Tailored to meet your needs, packages can range from a single session to multiple sessions over a period of time. Here are  just a few of the areas I work on with clients:


  • Clarity on defining and achieving your goals

  • Career transition and development

  • Challenging your assumptions about what you can/ should/ would love to do

  • Recovery from and prevention of burnout

  • Imposter syndrome

  • Struggling with perfectionism and people pleasing

  • Creating a work-life-satisfaction balance that works for you

Podcasts and media

As an experienced Medical Educator and accomplished communicator I am happy to work with you to deliver podcasts on a wide variety of topics including doctor wellbeing / career transition / portfolio careers / burnout.

Please contact me using the form below. I’m happy to discuss your needs and craft a new topic in conjunction with your needs.


Coaching Outdoors

Our most clear and free thinking happens outdoors, and a connection with nature has many benefits. You and I will either walk together or speak over the phone while both walking.

My clients have loved the liberating effects of a coaching conversation while away from their usual obligations and surroundings of life.

Contact me for a Free Discovery Call and we can explore this further to best understand your needs.